West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !


已通过实地认证 优质场地
地址:Buckhead,Fulton Cou...
大厅最大面积: 167 ㎡

West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !设施标签


West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !简介

West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, furniture, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !

Our lounge is one mid-sized, intimate open floor loft space. Everyone can mingle together without separate rooms, partitions, etc. In our event lounge, you share the space with no one ! It's all yours, so you can ensure you and your guests will have the upmost privacy. Great for corporate events, birthday parties, anniversaries, launch parties, music showcases, album release events, baby showers, fashion shows, dance rehearsals, classes, workshops, meetings, etc.

Welcome to Atlanta's newest and most upscale mid-sized event lounge. In our venue, you can ensure an epic event that will be remembered for time to come. Whether you are having a birthday party, launch party, bachelor/bachelorette party, mixer, showcase, charity event, or any other type of event, we will be able to exceed your needs and give you the event you always envisioned.

We are conveniently located in West Midtown between downtown and Buckhead, off of I-75 Howell Mill Rd. exit, close to all the major interstates, Georgia Tech and Georgia State universities, and Atlantic Station. Our venue is situated in a quiet and virtually crime free neighborhood in an area surrounded by top dollar residential real estate.

Our lounge offers comfortable seating, upscale and contemporary decor for a sleek modern look, open area for dancing, and more. Watch your favorite sports teams and sporting events or reminisce on past memories by watching picture slide shows or videos of your friends, family, and loved ones on our 3 large flat screen displays. With our LED lighting system, you will be sure to impress your guests as our lounge lights up in different colors while the walls and floors are infused with crisp LED lights too !

We also provides a list of event services. Need a DJ ? We have you covered ! We work with different DJs who spin a wide variety of music. Need a caterer ? We have you covered ! We work with different caterers who specialize in a broad range of foods and cuisines. Our lounge also offers bartending services so when it's time to party, your guests can grab their favorite drinks at the bar.

At our event lounge, you never have to worry about parking. With our front and back lot, and neighboring lots, parking will be the least of your worries. Don't be afraid to invite the extra guests. Our venue accommodates roughly 100 people comfortably. Directions are never a problem. We are only two turns away from the freeway. No need to worry about sketchy buildings, alleyways, "back of the building" venues, confusing plazas, etc. Our venue has a professional retail store front so the GPS brings you to our front door ! Never fear for privacy. Our lounge is located on a quiet street with very minimal traffic flow, but at the same time only blocks away from the major intersection and interstate.

Whatever the event, our event lounge will ensure a fabulous experience and take your event to the next level, leaving a lasting impression for all who attend. Throw your next event with a touch of royalty at our event lounge !

Book your next event today !
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West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !会议室
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West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !承接的会议活动类型
West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !客房
West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !怎么样



设施  5.0     比同行业平均水平     高11.11% 

服务  5.0     比同行业平均水平     高11.11% 

卫生  5.0     比同行业平均水平     高6.04% 

位置  5.0     比同行业平均水平     高6.04% 



会掌柜:中国全面的会议场地预订平台,为您提供West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !会议场地预订、价格查询,West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !信息,场地地址:Buckhead,Fulton County,GA,Atlanta;涵盖酒店周边设施,酒店交通地图,真实用户点评,会场图片等信息,West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !活动会议场地_West Midtown loft style Lounge with contemporary decor, lighting, stage, DJ booth, mirrors, high ceilings, kitchenette, and more !会议室预订,就上会掌柜,免收服务费的会议服务平台网站。一站式办会,预算至少节省20%。
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